Protocol assessment of the Kaunertal Expansion project, Austria

A team of four accredited assessors carried out an official Protocol assessment of the Kaunertal Expansion Project from 29th August to 5th September 2016. The Kaunertal Expansion Project is proposed by TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG), a corporation owned by the Austrian Province of Tyrol.

The existing Kaunertal power system was built between 1961 and 1964. Water is collected from the mountains of the Kaunertal with its many glaciers, as well as from the neighbouring valleys Radurschltal and Pitztal, into the Gepatsch reservoir, and then is directed to the existing 392 MW Prutz power station.

The proposed expansion project will involve:

• Use of water resources from the Oetztal valley, augmenting the catchment area by 272 km²;
• A new upper stage reservoir for pump storage located in the Platzertal valley, with a catchment area of around 8 km2;
• Use of the Gepatsch reservoir as the lower stage reservoir for pump storage;
• A new pump storage hydropower plant (Versetz PSHP) close to the existing Gepatsch reservoir of 400 MW;
• A new second power station (Prutz 2) in Prutz of 500 MW;
• Conversion of the old pressure tunnel as an underground conduit for 220 kV high voltage transmission from the Versetz PSHP; • Raising of the existing Runserau weir system for the use of additional water supply;
• A new second power station (Imst 2) in Imst (92.5 MW) together with a new pressure tunnel between Runserau and Imst;
• Addition of a third turbine at Haiming Power Station plus enlargement of the tailwater basin; and
• Additional mitigation measures to reduce the flood and downsurge on the River Inn.