
Ramanche-Gavet Thumbnail.png

Project details

Project name: Romanche‐Gavet

Project location: Romanche River, south‐eastern France

Installed capacity: 94 MW

Project owner: Électricité de France SA (EDF)

Commission date: expected in 2020

Assessment details

Assessment tool: Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP)

Assessment stage: Implementation

Assessment date: May - July 2013, with an on-site assessment on 10-14 June 2013

Assessment overview

Romanche‐Gavet has relatively limited adverse environmental and social impacts, and has the potential to deliver long term benefits for the local community. The design of the project directly addresses the need to reduce adverse impacts of hydropower generation in the Romanche valley through the removal of the old plants and water transport infrastructure, improvement in conditions for recreation and tourism, and use of some of the decommissioned plants for cultural heritage conservation or economic purposes.

Romanche‐Gavet satisfies the Protocol’s criteria of ‘proven best practice’ on 11 out of 18 topics and meets or exceeds the Protocol’s criteria of ‘basic good practice’ on all remaining topics (see diagram below).

Sustainability Profile

Romanche Gavet Diagram.jpg